[双语阅读]波音787重返蓝天摇摇无期 全日空欲索赔
2013-02-04   作者:周武英/编译  来源:经济参考报

    美国飞机制造商波音公司1月31日公布,去年全年,波音公司营业额达到创纪录的817亿美元(约合人民币5081亿元),同比增长18.92%,上一年同期为687亿美元。波音公司董事长、总裁兼首席执行官詹姆斯·迈克纳尼(James McNerney)表示,公司在2013年的第一要务是解决787的电池问题。

  The new plane’s powerful electrical system does more work than those on earlier jets and has an intricate,many-tiered chain of suppliers.Boeing bills the 787 as a “more-electric”airplane.The electricity in flight is provided by six generators.It also carries two lithium-ion batteries,the focus of the recent incidents that have grounded the 787 fleet.

  Company engineers blame the 787’s outsourced supply chain,saying that poor quality components are coming from subcontractors that have operated largely out of Boeing’s view.

  ANA,Asia’s top airline by revenue, lost more than $15 million in revenue from having to cancel Dreamliner flights last month. Earlier this week it said it was unclear as to when Boeing’s sophisticated new plane would resume commercial flights,making it harder to predict the longer-term financial impact of having the plane idle.

  ANA is prepared to recoup from Boeing whatever damages it suffers from flight cancellations and other costs caused by the worldwide grounding of 787 jets。

  ANA has canceled close to 850 flights until February 18,affecting over 82,000 passengers. The Dreamliner makes up around 7 percent of ANA’s fleet,and the airline normally operates around 1,000 flights a day and carries 3.7 million passengers each month.

  Japan’s ANA is in talks with U.S. aircraft maker Boeing Co to speed up the delivery of three 777 jetliners as its fleet of 787 Dreamliner airplanes remains grounded with undiagnosed battery problems,the Nikkei newspaper said on Sunday.
  另外,印度航空部长阿吉特辛(Ajit Singh)2月1日表示,波音公司有责任向印度航空因安全原因停飞名下所有的787梦幻客机而作出赔偿。波兰国有的LOT航空公司早些时候也表示,将会因为名下两架787客机的停运要求波音公司作出赔偿。

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